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You will also find color and black-and-white reference photos and a downloadable PDF version of this article.
Need more help? In the full video version of this tutorial, I show you exactly how I draw this sea turtle step by step, with more explanations and tips than I had time to cover in this article. I hope you had fun while drawing yours too! It was a lot of fun drawing this sea turtle. Once you are more comfortable drawing a sea turtle, you should find it easier to draw other animals that are similar. Try drawing a regular turtle, tortoise, or another reptile.For more of a challenge, try drawing a view from under the sea turtle looking at the bottom of its shell. You might find that a distant view from overhead looking down at the top of the shell will be easier. You can use both photos together to give you information about light and dark values as well as subtle changes in color, such as the slight variations between the lighter and darker shades of green on the turtle’s neck, scales, and shell. Consider using both a color and a black-and-white version of your reference.Then build on additional details and adjust your basic shape guidelines as you go along. Start off by sketching basic shapes to establish the general proportions and positions of the head, neck, shell, and flippers.Try using a reference photo while you draw the sea turtle so you can be sure to include its realistic traits for an accurate representation.The next time you wish to create a realistic sea turtle drawing, here are a few reminders:

If you like, you can use one of the links directly below the video to access the full-length version of this tutorial with more thorough explanations. Then watch a second time and draw along with me, pausing as needed.

Watch it once all the way through to get a sense of the overall process. You can watch the time-lapse video version of this tutorial below.

As you draw along with the step-by-step images, I hope you occasionally look at this sea turtle photo too.